
February 2017 News

Published Mon 06 Feb 2017

Welcome back to North West OC in 2017 - this is going to be an exciting year for us! Big events, transformative projects, cool club trips... we're going to have a lot of fun! By way of example, this newsletter is the first to be generated from our new club management system which Alan Moore has been working on. We are committed to orienteering and this system will help us spend less time running the club, and more time running in the forest! 

A quick update on Oceania & World Master Games... entry numbers are climbing to staggering levels; these events are going to be huge and an landmark experience in NZ orienteering. Oceania has passed 1250 entrants, Middle Earth (in Rotorua) is currently pushing 900, and World Masters Games is around 1600 so far. Entries are still open, so if you haven't bitten the bullet - pick the events that suit you and get in there! 

Preparations are progressing well, with an awesome effort from a big team across many different workstreams. Still, there is loads of work to do, so if you've not already volunteered, whatever time & energy you can give will be gratefully received. Please please please flick an email to Andrew De'Lisle to let him know that you can help ( ). 

To get an idea of the terrain for these events, take a look at the old maps posted online. Its not your typical southern Woodhill... when I look at them I feel inspired to do some training!  

Enjoy the newsletter!


In this issue:

  1. Katoa Po 11 March
  2. Club Member Profile - Alan Moore
  3. Upcoming Events
  4. Travelling to Wellington for Events 25/26 March? – a Request for Help.
  5. The Bert Chapman Trophy.
  6. New NWOC Website and Facebook Group
  7. NWOC Membership Renewal 2017
  8. Success Story
  9. MTB Adventure Quest 19 February


Katoa Po 11 March

Katoa Po is almost upon us again. Time to sign up!
We're defending the night relay title so we need as many runners as possible. There's a spot just waiting for you in the 7 or 5 person teams.
The teams consist of a compulsory mix of grades. The children's grades head off in twilight and can have someone shadowing. Adults run in the dark but it's not that dark with a full moon.
If you haven't experienced Katoa Po before, you're missing a truly memorable event. The excitement of night orienteering, the drama of relay racing, and the social atmosphere of everyone camping on-site. Don't let the dark put you off. (I agree – I had been put off for many years and ran for the first time last year and really enjoyed it! – Ed (Kaye Griffiths)).
The great thing is, everyone finishes. There will be small time penalties rather than team disqualification, for missed controls, mispunches, etc.
Don’t be put off by the logistics! The club will pay your entry fee.
Transport, tents, head-torches, etc can be arranged. Katoa Po is a team effort!
March 11: 7.30ish pm start. Event Centre is close to Taupo this year.
Contact Trevor Carswell to register or ask questions: or  (09)479-1384


Club Member Profile

This issue profiles Alan Moore, which seems very appropriate given the amount of time he has spent on our new website/database - and indeed the platform on which your are reading this newsletter! Thank you, Alan!

Number of years orienteering?
We've been lurking an the edges of the orienteering, rogaining, MTBO & adventure racing scene for about 10 years. Then 3 years ago we joined NWOC went to our first Nationals in Wellington and now we're up to our armpits. 

How were you introduced to orienteering?
Blame those Lactic Turkey guys; their rogaines and the P6 adventure race were our first mapsport events. After that it was SummerNav to improve our navigation which led to forest events.

Key orienteering achievements to date?
Being a late starter in those ultra-competitive masters grades means I have no Nationals podium places to report!
My key achievements are off the field of play; for the past 5 years, the company I work for (Theta) has competed in the corporate Curekids Great Adventure Race. In that time we've raised over $75,000 for Curekids and been awarded the "Spirit of the Race" award twice (we have managed a couple of podium places as well).

Current orienteering project or goal?
Short-term there is ARC Midnight Express 18hr adventure race this weekend!
Long-term it's all about supporting my kids orienteering. Was great to have both Ryan and Kyla on the podium at Nationals this year and I'm also very proud how they are embracing the giving back aspect of the sport with Ryan having already set a number of events. 

Favourite map and why?
I really loved running in the beech forest and tussock maps last year in South Island. Both at St Arnaud for Nationals and Hogsback in Craigeburn for Alpine-O.

Map you have yet to experience but aspire to orienteer on?
Ski touring is one of my favourite activities and in our twenties we did a couple of hut-to-hut ski tours in Norway. It would be great to go back to Norway for some ski-O one day. 

Orienteering hero?
Chris Forne. He can lead his team through a multi-day adventure race and can still foot-it with those young elites in an O-race (probably in the same week).

Day job?
IT consultant at Theta.

Other interests?
Anything that gets the whole family out into the outdoors.


Upcoming Events 

The SummerNav series continues and the Auckland Secondary Schools Sprint Orienteering Series kicks off in the week the beginning 20 Feb 2017 (see the facebook page) AND there is something on each weekend in March and the first weekend in April which will serve as great preparation for Oceania and World Masters!

See details on

Sunday 5 March Oceania/WMG Dress Rehearsal Double Sprint – Massey University Campus

Please mark the date in your diary and help the organisers for Oceania/World Masters Games test procedures. They have asked for as many competitors as possible and will be asking for pre-entry (details will be on the NWOC website as available) and will allocate start times. As it is also “Round the Bays” that day, you can request a later start time if you are coming after that event.

Sunday 19 March AOS 1 Waioneke
Sunday 26 March AOS 2 Waiuku North
Sunday 2 April Pre-Oceania Event (Riverhead)


Travelling to Wellington for Events 25/26 March? – a Request for Help.

We are going to borrow 30 odd sawhorses from Wellington Orienteering Club for Oceania & WMOC. If you are travelling to Wellington by car for WOC events on 25-26 March, and you might have room to transport sawhorses back to Auckland, please get in touch with Stephen Reynolds  or +64 27 705 7519. They will look something like this when packed for transport.


The Bert Chapman Trophy

Our new Junior Service Award – The Bert Chapman Trophy was presented for the first time at last year’s end of year prizegiving. Since the last newsletter of the year, these photos have come to light and really needed to be shared. Bert introduced his daughter, Suzanne Stolberger, his grandchildren (Thomas, Heidi and Liam Stolberger) to orienteering and would be very proud of how well they are all doing.


New NWOC Website and Facebook Group


We are currently working on a new club website as you may have seen when you went to check your details at RevolutioniseSport. This is currently a work in progress so for club information please continue to use the NWOC website at We will let you know once the new website is live.

Facebook Group

We have set up a Facebook group to be used to keep people up to date with any important information, events, trainings etc as opposed to using our Facebook page.
It was decided that the original NWOC page would be used more as a digital marketing and promotional tool around the club. We'll use this to post about interesting topics on Orienteering etc. or short posts about a recent event with a photo.
People can search Facebook using - North West Orienteering Club (NWOC) or click on this link  As it is a closed group, if you click “join this group” a request will be sent to the admin to add you. If you are on facebook, please do this, to give us an idea of how many of our members are able to be reached in this way.


NWOC Membership Renewal 2017

Subscriptions for 2017 are now due and the club would appreciate these being paid before the end of February if possible. To those who have already paid your 2017 membership - thank you. You should have received an email earlier this month with more information - please let Alan Moore know if you did not receive this.

With our new membership system we already have all your details in the membership database, so you just need to check the details are correct and then pay your subscription. If you logged in and checked late last year nothing more is required. If not, please go to to logon and check/update your details (particularly the date of birth that was set to 1st Jan of your birth year). If you can't find registration email or have any problems logging in, please contact Alan Moore

Please direct credit the NWOC bank account: WESTPAC Account 03- 0243-0247251-000 and PLEASE include your name in the reference field. (preferred method).

The subs are unchanged from 2016 (and 2014/2015 etc.):

  • $20 for juniors and unwaged
  • $60 for seniors ( 21 and over)
  • $100 Partners/ couples with no children included
  • $120 for family living at same address ( 2 seniors and children over 10 years at same address)
  • Over 65 years ( generally not working) $20 per person

Oceania and World Masters

Working Bee

On Sunday 18th December a small working party of volunteers headed into the depths of Woodhill to clear an area to be used as an arena for the World Masters Games Orienteering long final. Without breaching the embargo they tramped to a lovely glade in the middle of the forest (an impressive location for an arena which no doubt will impress our overseas visitors).
The task was to remove a fair bit of the ubiquitous pampas grass, prune lower branches from numerous pine trees and remove a lot of wood and debris from the ground. By the end of the morning the arena was starting to look very special with branches removed and trees limbed. The work has opened up the arena nicely for spectator-viewing.
Mike Morse (Arena Manager) was pleased to break the back of the work and passes on a great big thank you to those who chose to miss the pre-Christmas madness and gave up their valuable time to help.
We will look to get the rest of the work done in February, so watch out for another call for volunteers! 

The team gives Mike undivided attention while he briefs them... 

Paul gets into the swing of it as he tackles the Pampas grass

Mark shows how it should be done

While Mike demonstrates the latest in non safety footwear... where is the safety advisor?

Isn’t that Rene hiding behind those branches?

Who are those two dodgy charters hiding in the shadows?


Success Story – keep them coming!

We heard this story of some orienteering success in 2016 – please pass on news such as this so we can share it with all North West members.
Hunter Sosich was a new member in 2016 along with his family. Placing well in some school events in Auckland, he competed in the NISS champs in the Hawkes Bay and achieved a 6th place in the year 7/8 long std course. He went on to compete at the NZSS champs in the Waikato and came 1st in the std long course for year 7/8 boys. He was also awarded the Northcross Intermediate Year 7 boys Orienteer of the Year award. A great year for a newcomer!

Club Members' Successes in Trail Running Events

Congratulations to the following:

Cameron de L'Isle - 1st in the Speights Westcoaster (Under 20) in December 21km - setting a new record time.
Gene Beveridge - 1st in the Tussock Traverse (Open Mens) 26km - setting a new record time.
Tom Reynolds - 2nd in the Tussock Traverse (Open Mens) 26km

Please forward any other results anyone may know of so we can celebrate the successes of our club members.

Auckland Rogaine Series

The series this year will run over three events, 28 May, 11 June, 18 June.
The website is now live - check out details on

MTB Adventure Quest - Rotorua- 19 February 2017, 2.30-4.30pm.

Up for a great fun team navigation challenge on a bike? The MTB Adventure Quest is part of the Rotorua Bike Festival.
Find as many checkpoints as you in the time allowed, and complete mystery activities for bonus points. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Optional dress-up competition. Free pizza afterwards for all competitors.
For all the info and to enter check out