2021 Results

On this page you can find results for events hosted by NWOC. Results for events organised by Auckland Orienteering Club can be found here, and results for events hosted by Counties Manukau Orienteering Club can be found here

Auckland Orienteering Series

AOS 1 (May 8th)   Robinson Road, Riverhead (Middle)   Results by Course, Winsplits, RouteGadget
        Live tracking: M20/21E, W20/21E
AOS 2 (May 9th)   Robinson Road, Riverhead (Long)   Results by Course, Winsplits, RouteGadget
        Live tracking: M21E, W21E/M20E, W20E
AOS 6 (May 16th)   Hedley Dunes North, Woodhill   Results by Course, Winsplits
AOS 12   Lake Kereta, Woodhill   Cancelled

NZ Orienteering Champs

Detailed results are available on the NZOC2021 website.

North West Bivouac Outdoor Rogaine Series

Rogaine 1 (June 20th)   Barlow Road, Riverhead   Results by Class, Results by Splits
Rogaine 2 (July 11th)   Slater Road   Results by Class, Results by Splits